15 “Twilight Zone”episodes with the most shocking twists! Episode #10…

Episode #10 is… Third From the Sun (Season 1, Episode 14) On Netflix!

third from the sun

This episode is really different from all the others. Kind of reminds me of an Alfred Hitchcock episode. The filming is weird, the characters are kind of off and the patterns are strange. Even the phone and objects around the house are just a little different from normal. Close to normal, but just not quite.

That is what makes “Third from the Sun” so genius. Right from the beginning, it is setting you up for a twist. It really is masterful all the way around. It keeps you wondering and you’re not so sure what the hell is going on. You know there is a plot but not sure where they are going with it. The music and filming make you feel unsettled, building the tension until they drop the big bomb on you.  Then it all makes sense. I mean it all comes together, all at once. It even makes sense of the title, which I never got until I finished the episode. It really is a remarkable story and I’m kind of second guessing putting it so low. Oh well, I chose it to be here and did it for a reason.

The Description– The world is coming to an end! Wil Sturka, a bomb scientist, has been forced to produce a lot of H-bombs to prepare for an inevitable nuclear war. Wil has a plan to escape on a rocket ship with his family and his co-worker Jerry Riden. Jerry has a planet they can go to and live in peace. The problem is they only have that night to leave before the end of their world and to top it off, their supervisor is on to them. He over heard them planning and is now trying to catch them in the act.

I can say no more than this, the music and filming really makes this an intense episode to watch. You will scratch your head as you watch but will still be glued to the screen. But when that twist hits, I guarantee you, you will nod in satisfaction. This episode is giving the twist away every minute of the film, that’s what makes it so great. But what is even more remarkable is, you won’t figure the twist out, no matter how hard you try. Yeah, it’s that good!

Check out something else that is pretty damn good. The first episode of my television series “A Seat on a Train.” If you love “The Twilight Zone” then why not come and take “A Seat on a Train…” at http://www.aseatonatrain.com

15 “Twilight Zone”episodes with the most shocking twists! Episode #11…

Episode #11 is… The Lateness of the hour ( Season 2, Episode 8) On Netflix!

The Lateness of the hour

“The residence of Dr. William Loren, which is in reality a menagerie for machines. We’re about to discover that sometimes the product of man’s talent and genius can walk amongst us untouched by the normal ravages of time. These are Dr. Loren’s robots, built to functional as well as artistic perfection. But in a moment Dr. William Loren, wife and daughter will discover that perfection is relative, that even robots have to be paid for, and very shortly will be shown exactly what is the bill.”- Rod Serling

Rod Serling always loved to do episodes about robots. I really do think he would be disappointed that we have not developed the human robot today. His episodes about robots would be copied and expanded upon in so many films and tv shows we see today. Movies like “Short Circuit,” “Terminator” and “2001 Space Odyssey” all have elements of the classic Twilight Zone episodes.

But Rod Serling gets really deep in this episode that he also wrote. He attacks a couple of themes like, “can robots believe they are really alive” and “could robots take over by doing everything for us. In turn, fearing humans may become obsolete through their own laziness.” These are themes that amaze us as audiences. Some of the biggest, best Sceince fiction films have followed these themes. But this episode is one of the first and it really shows us what a genius Rod Serling was. So you have to respect it because it was one of the first of its kind. Also it has a really cool twist, well actually two twists and it has some really creepy moments that make your skin crawl.

Yeah, I really like this episode. I think the only reason it scores so low on this list is because CBS got really cheap and decided to replace film with video recorders, used for live news casts and such. So the quality is very low and stagy looking because recording on video just doesn’t have that necessary depth and quality that film has. Well, thank god they came to their senses and stopped this awful way to save a buck. But unfortunately some really great Twilight Zone Episodes suffered! It is really sad! Because it really kills the mood and quality of these episodes. This episode and “Long Distance Call” are fantastic episodes and if they were shot properly like the others, they would have ranked at the top with the best. They still are amazing though and they definitely have their moments.

The Description– Jana, the daughter of a genius inventor is upset. She feels like a prisoner in her own home. She feels due to her father’s genius inventions that they have become lazy and dependent on their robot servants. See the father has invented robots that look, act and sound like regular human beings. These robots do everything for them, while they enjoy a nice peaceful, relaxing life.

Jana hates her father’s inventions and wants to be rid of them. She feels they are trying to take over by making the family dependent on them. She begs her father to destroy all of them. Well, after threatening to run away, her father finally complies. He dismantles all of the unwilling robots.

Now free of the servants, Jana is happy. She wants to go out and explore. She wants to see the world. She wants to find love and give her parents a grandchild. But she will soon discover that getting rid of her father’s inventions is not as easy and simple as she thought…

I can say no more. I really think I said a little too much but I will leave it a that. This is a great episode and I think you just may get a few chills up the spine at the end. The twist is pretty creepy. Well, I thought it was at least. So get ready to make a stop into Rod Serling’s mind and one of his favorite subjects when you take a journey into “The Twilight Zone.”

Don’t forget to check out “A Seat on a Train.” See my passion come to life with the first episode “Out of Place” at http://www.aseatonatrain.com  Who will take a seat next…

15 “Twilight Zone”episodes with the most shocking twists! Episode #12…

Episode 12… People Are Alike All Over (Season 1, Episode 25) On Netflix!

People are alike all over

This Episode is a great introduction into the mind of Rod Serling! If you don’t know much about the man himself, Serling was a very politically motivated man. He loved to bring attention to the horrors of this world and of course the weaknesses of man. He was very anti-war and anti-corporation. Some good examples of his ideology are movies like “Patterns” and “A Carol for another Christmas.” If you haven’t seen “Patterns” rent it! It is way ahead of it’s time and really attacks the greedy Corporations.”A Carol for Another Christmas” is not as good but shows Serling’s disdain for war.

Not many people know this, but Serling was a WWII hero. He earned three medals, including the Purple Heart. He fought in a platoon that was labeled as the “Death Squad” because of its 50% casualty rate.  He was injured numerous times but always went back to fight more! He was pro-war before fighting in WWII  but after seeing all his buddies die, reversed his position drastically. You will find that this point of his life was where he really built his views on people and the world. I love that he changed his position after the war. Shows that he was a very open minded man who was not afraid of being wrong.

Well, this episode is a perfect example of Rod Serling’s  mistrust of the human race. “People are alike all over” was adapted by Serling from an old short story written by Paul W. Fairman. This episode is exactly what it is titled as and has a nice little twist to prove it’s point. I really do love the message in this episode. The reason it scores so low on this list is because I feel the story and the characters are a little weak, therefore the twist doesn’t pack the punch it should. It is very clever, but something never sits right with me with this episode. I feel the ending and the twist are perfect, but the story that leads up is just too weak. Anyway, enough of my criticisms, let’s get to it…

The description– Two men are on a mission to Mars, but the space ship crashes and one of the men, Marcusson, is gravely injured. Conrad, a scientist who is a complete cynic, doesn’t want to open the door to the space craft, fearing what awaits him outside. But Marcusson, a man of faith and God, wants the door opened. He believes that God made everyone in his image, so if there is intelligent life out there, they will be just like man and of course, help them. Well, Marcusson never recovers from his injuries  and dies on the space ship. So, Conrad decides to keep the door closed and wait for help from Earth.

But suddenly the door begins to open itself. A paranoid Conrad grabs his gun and waits for the inevitable. But to his surprise,  Marcusson was right, the Martians are not aggressive as feared and actually look a lot like him. They even have a way to communicate like humans also. So the skittish Conrad decides to trust them and accept their invitation to visit their civilization.

When they reach civilization, to Conrad’s surprise, the Maritans welcome him with a house similar to what he is used to on Earth. He has all the amenities… even television, Scotch and cigarettes (typical priorities of Rod Serling.) Conrad has everything he could ever want, but everything in life comes with a price. Conrad soon discovers that Marcusson hit the nail right on the head when he stated that people are alike all over… But he also confirms that his fears were not so ridiculous after all, when he takes a journey into “The Twilight Zone.”

I will tell you no more. I may have even told you too much! But I will tell you this, the twist is not at all predictable. It’s actually really inventive and says so much about us as people. This episode is well worth the watch and the twist will not disappoint you. But the real reason to watch “People are alike all Over,” is for its message! The message really hits home and will have you thinking for days.

If you would like to see a great story, message and twist I created, just come and take “A Seat on a Train” at http://www.aseatonatrain.com  Tell me what you think of my story and if it reminds you of “The Twilight Zone.”

15 “Twilight Zone”episodes with the most shocking twists! Episode #13…

Episode #13… Night of the Meek (Season 2, Episode 47) On Netflix!

Night of the Meek

This is Mr. Henry Corwin, normally unemployed, who once a year takes the lead role in the uniquely popular American institution, that of the department-store Santa Claus in a road-company version of ‘The Night Before Christmas‘. But in just a moment Mr. Henry Corwin, ersatz Santa Claus, will enter a strange kind of North Pole which is one part the wondrous spirit of Christmas and one part the magic that can only be found… in the Twilight Zone.

Yes folks, I had to do it. It’s getting around that time and this is such a great episode for so many reasons. This is one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes. Not only does it have a warm, fuzzy twist at the end, it also has that rare ability that only a handful of movies truly have the ability to do… that is put you in the Christmas spirit!

Yes, this episode is so good, it has that magical ability. The sounds of sleigh bells, christmas music, people shopping, even that great old movie sound that makes you think of classics like “The Bishop’s Wife,” “Scrooge” the 1972 version with Albert Finney and of course, don’t forget, “It’s a Wonderful Life.”  You know I’m doing my top ten favorite movies that put you in the Christmas spirit! I will get anyone in the Christmas spirit! I am a Christmas fanatic! I do all the traditions and dream of the next holiday coming. I even get depressed and a sunken heart feeling when it’s all over. Yes folks, I am that much gone. Anyway, back to the movie.

But yes, this is a great episode, with a great cast and a cheerful theme. The twist is not a shocker, that is why this episode ranks so low in this category. But trust me, this is the only category this ranks low in… Well, it wouldn’t rank at all in the scary categories… you know what I mean…  So lets get to the Episode.

Episode description– A down and out drunk Henry Corwin gets tossed out of a bar dressed up as Santa on Christmas Eve. He stumbles to his mall Santa Claus job drunk and an hour late. After a customer complains, Henry is fired from his job. Henry stumbles down the street seeing all the poor in shelters and homeless kids on the street. He says if he had one wish on Christmas Eve, he would want “the meek to inherit the earth.”

Then suddenly he stumbles upon a sack. He opens it and it’s full of presents. He discovers that this sack is magical and gives people what they ask for. So naturally, the selfless Henry starts acting as Santa and giving out presents to all who need. He skips around making everyones’ Christmas wishes come true. But this does not come without a price. For the police and the department store manager want to know where he got all these goodies he’s handing out. But when they take the sack to the police station, all they find is a sack full of garbage…

I will tell you no more! I can’t! I will spoil it! Now, I understand if you want to wait till Christmas to watch this, in fact, I recommend waiting. I have been watching each episode before I write about them on this blog, but I didn’t do that with “Night of the Meek!” This episode is too special and close to the heart. It is only allowed to come out on the most special holiday ever, with which celebration begins after Thanks Giving for me. No earlier… No later…

Also, don’t forget to check out “A Seat on a Train.” Let me know if you think it is like “The Twilight Zone.” Let me know what you think at http://www.aseatonatrain.com

15 “Twilight Zone”episodes with the most shocking twists! Episode #14…

Episode #14… The Hitch-Hiker (Season 1, episode 16) on Netflix!

The Hitchhiker

The Hitch-Hiker is a little dated and the twist is very common these days. That’s why I put this one lower on the list. Not because it isn’t good, but time has weakened it’s effect.

The Hitch-Hiker was actually an old radio play that had been performed live numerous times. In the radio play, the victim is male and is performed by one of the greatest ever, Orson Welles. Rod Serling took this play, written by Lucille Fletcher, and adapted it into a Twilight Zone episode. Rod Serling was very limited on what he could show on screen. The reason his twists and stories are so good is because of the limitations CBS put on him. So he had to get inventive with this one.

Well, one of the ingenious things Rod Serling did was make the character a woman. He obviously felt this would make the audience more on edge seeing a woman being followed by this strange figure rather than a man. She is less in control and a lot more vulnerable. Serling would do a lot of these little tweaks to make up for the lack of violence he wanted the audience to see. In those times, television was a lot more in control of what the artists were allowed to show. You would think this would hurt the show, but I truly believe it made it better. It forced Rod Serling to use inventive ways to get his point across and supplement any violent scenes he wanted to show.

The description- A young woman named Nan Adams  is on the side of the road with a mechanic who is changing her tire. You find out that she had a blow out going 60 mph. The mechanic mentions that she is very lucky to be alive. Well, as she drives away to go to the mechanic’s gas station to get more needed repairs, she sees a strange man hitch-hiking. She doesn’t think much of it and drives off.

Well later, at the gas station, she is about to continue her trip to Los Angeles when she sees the same hitch-hiker again. She mentions it to the mechanic and he says “What hitch-hiker?” She looks and he is gone.  She shrugs this off thinking that he got picked up. (I think you know where this is going…)

Nan continues her trip in her car and the Hitch-Hiker appears again. Realizing this is way too coincidental, she begins to get nervous and scared. As the episode continues she keeps seeing this man more and more until we come to the climax and of course the twist.

Now, I’m going to warn you here, if you haven’t figured out the twist already, you will probably before this episode finishes. It’s not because the episode is poorly written or executed, but because this twist has been recycled so many times over the years. Also, the skeptic could tear this episode apart and point out many loop holes. That is another reason why this episode is so low on my list.

But let me tell you, this is a great episode. It is really creepy and keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. So, even if you figure out the twist, you will be wondering how it will be revealed and how it is possible at all. Honestly, If I had the chance, I would remake this episode. It is such a cool concept and I see the faults that make it not so scary today. I would make it a lot more dark, more mysterious and make the Hitch-Hiker silent and barely visible throughout the whole episode.

Just remember when you start to get skeptical and start criticizing this episode, The Hitch-Hiker was the first of its kind on television. This episode is the blueprint to a story that would be and still will be recycled throughout time. This episode may not dazzle you, but I guarantee you will be thinking about it long after it ends. It just has that affect on everyone who sees it.

Don’t forget to check out my Twilight Zone inspired television show called “A Seat on a Train” at http://www.aseatonatrain.com. Help me continue Rod Serling’s classic style of story telling by showing your support and watching my first episode called “Out of Place.” If you like a lesson in the form of a twist, this one has a doozy!

15 “Twilight Zone”episodes with the most shocking twists!

Twists… Twists… Twists. I love them! I live for them! I write them! I have created a whole television series just so I could invent them called “A Seat on a Train” at http://www.aseatonatrain.com There is nothing more exciting to me than someone coming up and saying, “See this movie, it has a great twist.” I want to know nothing more. I just want to see that film and get shocked with a crazy turn of events.

Well, some of my favorite shows have twists and I learned from the best. First you have Alfred Hitchcock who always seems to fit a twist or two in his films and especially in his television series, “Alfred Hitchcock Presents.” But the master of the twist surely goes to one of my favorite writer of all time, Rod Serling. This man is a master when it comes to creating amazing, shocking, believable twists.

Now there are a lot of elements that have to take place to make a believable, shocking twist. The rules are pretty loose but if you don’t have a believable twist that isn’t predictable, then your audience is just going to laugh at your whole project. A bad twist can ruin a great film. I will give you a perfect example of this! This example is perfect to show you how a great film is destroyed by a bad twist. This horror film I loved until it got towards the end and the twist came. It was so bad that the director was booed at Cannes.

If you guessed it then you know your horror films and I’m sure you felt as violated as everyone else did by this awful twist! This twist angered people so much, they booed Alexander Aja at Cannes. Yes, it was “High Tensions!”

I won’t spoil it for you because the twist is so bad, you really need to experience it yourself. The film is also a must see, because the first half is petrifying, edge of your seat horror. One of the best first halves of a horror film ever made.

So, anyway, being such a huge “Twilight Zone” fan myself, I couldn’t resist talking about my favorite episodes with the best twists. I won’t give the twist away, but will give you a short description of each episode. So, let’s get to it!

Episode #15… The Invaders (season 2, episode 15) on Netflix!

The Invaders

This episode is a real treat. It aired in the second season. Rod Serling didn’t really have much of a hand in it, but it is a fantastic episode. The twist is kind of dated and cheesy, that’s why it sits at #15. If it wasn’t for the amazing film and story quality, this episode wouldn’t have been so successful. I also feel this episode is a great introduction to “The Twilight Zone.” I want to get you excited about these twists and I feel this episode will definitely grab your interest.

So here’s the description-  An old woman does chores in an old, secluded, farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. You can see she doesn’t have much money by the rags she wears and the primitive tools she uses.

Suddenly, she hears a deafening sound followed with a crash on her roof. She cautiously investigates, climbing up the ladder only to find a miniature spaceship in her attic. While she is inspecting the ship, she is suddenly  attacked by 2 six inch space creatures. They shoot lasers which burns her skin and leaves big red welts. You watch as she battles for her life against these two weird specimens, building tension and then finishing you off with a crazy twist!

The great thing about this episode is it’s beautifully shot and has a great score and sounds to go with it. This episode is really simple and grabs your attention right from the beginning. You wonder who these creatures are and where they are hiding, waiting for one to jump out. And to top it off… to prove to you how great this episode is… It only has a couple of lines spoken at the end. That’s right, the whole episode is practically without dialogue. But don’t let this turn you off because they replace that dialogue with creepy sounds and  riveting music, which consists of screeching violins.

I absolutely love this episode! The acting is phenomenal, the story is riveting and the payoff is a little cheesy, but is well worth the wait. This episode is a must see and is perfect to start your journey into “The Twilight Zone.”

Also, check out the first episode of a television show I created called “A Seat on a Train” at http://www.aseatonatrain.com  If you love “The Twilight Zone” then why not come take “A Seat on a Train?”

“A Seat on a Train” TV Series releases it’s 1st episode!

The launch was successful! Thank you to everyone who took the time to check it out.  I understand that some people were very busy with Halloween duties, especially the parents. Don’t worry, “Out of Place” the 1st episode, is still showing,  so head over to http://www.aseatonatrain.com and check it out. If you love “The Twilight Zone” then come take “A Seat on a Train!”

Hope you had a horribly, scary Halloween!


Wishing you a horrible, ghastly, ghostly, slimy, scary, disgusting, horrific, horrible, disturbing and just plain terrifying Halloween!!!! Also don’t forget to come see the 1st episode of “A Seat on a Train” which released today in honor of this killer holiday!!! Check it out at http://www.aseatonatrain.com  If you love “The Twilight Zone” then come take “A Seat on a Train!”

A Seat on a Train Booklet Cover

“A Seat on a Train” TV Series releases it’s 1st episode!

Happy Halloween! It’s Official! Come see “Out of Place” the 1st episode of “A Seat on a Train!” Right Here! http://www.aseatonatrain.com If you love “The Twilight Zone” then come take “A Seat on a Train.”

A Seat on a Train Poster

Director/Writer Daniel MacMunn explains where his passion comes from- If you love “The Twilight Zone” then you will be an instant fan of “Out of Place.” I have always been a huge fan of Rod Serling’s hit classic, creepy series from the early 1960’s. Many people have tried to duplicate this series but have fallen short in my eyes. “Out of Place” is the first episode of a series I created called “A Seat on a Train.” I don’t want to copy Rod Serling’s genius, but pay homage to it. I believe my ideas and skilled writing will bring back that great old style of story telling, while piquing the interest of the modern day viewer. I have written many other episodes, ready to be filmed, that pertain to our modern times. “Out of Place” is the first brave attempt of this series. It was shot very low budget, in one location with two characters. It has that creepy style of filming with original music enhancing the story. I hope “Out of Place” will be the kick start into a long run of “A Seat on a Train.”


Out of Place final poster

Yes folks, we are jumping back to episode #1, which releases at midnight tonight! Come and see the first episode that will launch the television series “A Seat on a Train” at http://www.aseatonatrain.com  If you love “The Twilight Zone” then why not come take “A Seat on a Train.”

Out of Place (Pilot)- Spencer is fixated on keeping everything in its exact, specific place. His obsession is so extreme it has cut him off from the outside world.  But Spencer soon becomes a victim of his own behavior when random objects around his condo mysteriously shift out of place when he’s not looking.